Friday, October 1, 2010


Im not "terrified" by snakes, but, if i saw this one, I'd probably freak out. You've probably seen a water mocassin, or a garden snake slithering around your neighborhood. Although you may think these snakes are pretty big, the largest snakes are the anacondas. The largest anaconda ever measured was almost 28 feet long, a girth of 44 inches, and estimated by scientists to be weighing over 500 lbs. The other snake that competes with the anaconda is the Asiatic Reticulated Python.The python holds the world's record for length of a snake, with the longest ever measured at 33 feet. Even though the longest python is longer than the record-holding anaconda, the girth of the anaconda is far bigger. I'd hate to run into one of these slithering creatures!


  1. You have to be a gullible bastard to believe that the first image isn't shopped.

    1. I agree I do believe that is a photo shop image or taken at a certain angle to make it look like that

  2. I believe what I'm seeing. I lost some sleep thinking about it last night!

  3. First if all I kinda don't think that first pic was real then I saw the second on and I was like OMG LOOK AT ITS TEETH! But don't be to scared its not more poiseon than a black mamba......

  4. even though it may be fake, the first pic is pretty cool. i like snakes. i have 2

  5. It looking a fake picture, coz 28 feet long = just 8.5 mtrs, so please have a look to the scale of the surroundings,

  6. I searched the exact same thing up but I found different revues and it said the longest snake is a Python in southeast Asia measuring about 30ft
