Monday, February 28, 2011


These numbers could be a number of things, a locker combination, a code of somesort, or just plain old digits. Well, suprisingly enough, none of those are what we are talking about. Those numbers are the measurements of Cathie Jung's body. This 70 year old woman has spent the last 25 years in a corset, which has seemingly reduced to what can be compared to the size of a mayonaise jar. She has only taken them off to shower, and claims that it even helps support her spine. Although this lifestyle may seem unhealthy, her husband ( a plastic surgeon) sees nothing wrong and has even done several x-rays on his wife to assure everyone that she is fine. Some people find it hard to even breathe in a corset, but Cathie has no problem doing everyday work, which to her, unfortunately means even cleaning the house.

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