Monday, April 25, 2011

Home Sweet ...Piano?

This unique piano house was recently constructed in An Hui. This Province in China has visitors coming in and out to see this remarkable structure. Inside of the violin part of the house is the escalator that leads to the rest of the building. The house is somewhat of a symbol and gallery in itself as well as a monument of music and art appreciation.The building displays various city plans and development options in the brand new developed area, but from what we can see, it almost looks like it was built in the middle of nowhere.  Though this is a magnificent structure, it was really built in hopes of attracting tourists into the area in an attempt to improve the local economy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This is one of the greatest flea markets and fairs in major shopping capitals across the globe. It provides an unheard of prices to value conscious holiday shoppers at one exclusive shopping destination.  This Super Bowl of shopping experiences also features additional family-oriented activities.They understand that in this economy, holiday shoppers are looking for great value.  The World's Greatest Indoor Flea Market is the vehicle to great buys, ensuring a multitude of top-quality merchandice. This crazy event takes place December 16 - 19, and takes up two convention center halls, offering numerous product categories, all located in the same place. A vast selection of new and collectible merchandise including apparel, jewelry, giftware, toys, home goods and accessories, electronics, specialty food items, travel accessories, pet items, stocking stuffers and much more will be available. So, if you are a crazy shopper, make sure you save the date and spend lots!!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Many people are trying to watch their weight, which brings up the question, What is the world's most fattening food?? The answer is giant steaks, ribs, and hamburgers that can wreak havoc on your waistline. Pork or beef ribs are the fattiest part of the animal to eat. A 20-oz. T-bone steak can weigh in at 1,540 calories and 124 g fat.
you should stay away from ribs and other cuts of meat with visible marbling (white streaks of fat) and fat around the edges. When possible, go for lean cuts like pork tenderloin or skinless chicken breast.
Also, avoid burgers made with high-fat ground beef. The average burger on a bun with cheese, lettuce, and tomato contains about 735 calories, 45 grams of fat and 1,000 mg of sodium. Use lean ground beef, and dress it up,with apple, tomato, or barbeque sauces. stay lean and get into shape..spring break is right around the corner!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Don't Blink!!!

Usain Bolt is a Jamaican man who stands around 6 feet 5 inches,this height makes him somewhat of an unlikely success in the 100, a burst that typically favors shorter, stockier runners. But he manages to reach blazing speed with unusual stride length and stride frequency.Sometime in March,Usain Bolt was a 200 runner dabbling in the 100 for "speed work," but what he accomplished was worth so much more.  On May 30th, 2008 on Randall's Island, Usain Bolt broke the world record in the 100-meter dash. He ran his race and broke the tape in 9.72 seconds. This new time, shed .02 seconds off  of Jamaican countryman Asafa Powell's mark. This, of course, set a new world record, making Usain the World's fastest man.

Monday, February 28, 2011


These numbers could be a number of things, a locker combination, a code of somesort, or just plain old digits. Well, suprisingly enough, none of those are what we are talking about. Those numbers are the measurements of Cathie Jung's body. This 70 year old woman has spent the last 25 years in a corset, which has seemingly reduced to what can be compared to the size of a mayonaise jar. She has only taken them off to shower, and claims that it even helps support her spine. Although this lifestyle may seem unhealthy, her husband ( a plastic surgeon) sees nothing wrong and has even done several x-rays on his wife to assure everyone that she is fine. Some people find it hard to even breathe in a corset, but Cathie has no problem doing everyday work, which to her, unfortunately means even cleaning the house.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The BIG House!

This building is actually a world renown prison located in the land known as Brazil. This prison is notorious for the dangerous people inside, and what the guards are occasionally forced to do to them. The body count was sky-high at the Carandiru prison, where riots in 1992 triggered a massacre of the general population by local police: inmates, who had even already surrendered to the police, were shot as they cowered in terror in their tiny cells. Over its 46 year history, deaths at this facility are thought to be as many as 1300. The reign of terror by prison officials was stopped in 2002 when the prison was closed, amidst campaigns from Amnesty International, and reports of gross human rights violations that could not be quieted by Brazilian officials. Although there were so many acts of violence, performed by both inmates and police, there was another danger running rampid through the prison. There was an AIDS epidemic at the facility, after it spread it became so bad as to the point where as many as one in five of the inmates  was found to be suffering from the disease. We all know that no one wants to go to jail, but Carandiru is by far the World's Worst Prison.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Errupting with Color!

Many people consider Kilauea to be the most actively errupting volcano, but, many people are wrong. There's only one other volcano that errupts more than this magnificently terrifying volcano...Stromboli. Athough its name is not a very intimidating one, Stromboli volcano is considered to be the most dangerous due to its frequency. Stationed in Italy, Stromboli volcano has errupted continuously for 2,000 years.A typical eruption at Stromboli consists of several small gas explosions each hour, ejecting incandescent cinder, lapilli, and bombs to heights of a few tens or hundreds of feet. Tephra is glowing red when it leaves the vent but becomes black and nearly solid before hitting the ground. Lava is known to occasionally flow, but are less fluid, slower, and thicker than hawaiin lava. Although volcanos are dangerous, its beautiful color is what attracts tourists year round.