Monday, September 13, 2010

World's Biggest Shark

Whale sharks are the largest sharksin the world. Growing to a length of about 65 feet (the length of about 1 1/2 school buses!) and weighing about 75,000 pounds, this streamlined fish is really a gentle giant. Some areas frequented by these sharks, such as Ningaloo Reef, Australia, have become popular tourist destinations because of their swim-with-sharks program.

1 comment:

  1. Ollo! Your blog is pretty awesome, I typed in (in google images) world longest eylashes, and clicked on it, and it came up with your blog. I would like your blog more if you made it look better in design kind of next to comments, where you are reding it now right!?Tank you
    (PS I use blogger all the time ;P)
